Two Hour Transport (Virtual) Featuring Joanne Rixon and Yang-Yang Wang—Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 6–8 pm PT

Join us on Zoom for Two Hour Transport on Wednesday, June 26, 2024! Arrive (virtually) from 5:30–5:55 p.m. PT for the open mic signup or just before 6:00 p.m. PT for the start of the show. Our featured readers will be Joanne Rixon and Yang-Yang Wang.

Bring yourself, and any food or beverages that you’d like, and connect via phone or Zoom for two hours of science fiction and fantasy reading and a warm community of readers and writers.

If you are joining us from another time zone, here’s a link pre-seeded with our show-time details! Just enter your location or time zone to get our start time for your locale:


  • Open Mic signups start at 5:30 p.m. PT
  • Five-Minute Open Mic Readings—6:00–6:50 p.m. PT
  • Invited Readers 7:00–8:00 p.m. PT


Meeting invite:

  • Connect by phone: +12532158782
  • Meeting ID: 840 3131 9481
  • Passcode: 431555
Alt text: “Photo of Joanne Rixon against a red background, wearing dark tank top and silver earrings, beside a photo of Yang-Yang Wang, outdoors, wearing glasses and a dark suit.  The text across the bottom reads ‘Two Hour Transport, June 26, 2024, Featured Readers Joanne Rixon and Yang-Yang Wang.’”

Joanne Rixon is a queer nonbinary and disabled writer from Tacoma, WA. Their short stories have appeared in a variety of venues, including Fireside, Terraform, and most recently Diabolical Plots. They are a member of STEW and the Dreamcrashers, and organize the North Seattle Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Meetup, an always-free, always-open-to-the-public writers group. You can find their book blog on their website,

Yang-Yang Wang

Yang-Yang Wang is a Narrative Designer and an award-winning writer and filmmaker from the Seattle area. His work has appeared in a variety of places such as Lightspeed Magazine, the Wing Luke Museum, and Magic: The Gathering. He’s a graduate of the 2014 class of Clarion West, and currently sits on the board of both Clarion West and the Carl Brandon Society.

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